iSurprise No. 6 Small Cross Street

Home in one of the Fort’s smaller side streets

The veranda is the family’s favourite place to rest or have a friendly chat with the neighbours.

The house

Located on Small Cross Street, this house has a history of over 200 years, spanning four generations. The roof is very high, which makes for a cool atmosphere. The entrance features a wide veranda that faces the street with a wooden railing that runs across the full length of the house and shields it from the sun. The huge rounded columns transmit the load from the roof and give its residents a feeling of security.

Drawings by

P.Y. Dhanujaya P.Y., D.N. Ranaweera, W.K.B.H.D.Fernando, K.M.V.R. Kahandugoda, A.A.J. Monicadigith, H.T.E. Silva, T.S. Hathurusingha, N.A.A.P.K. Nishshanka

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