iSurprise Chathura

Freestyle diver and natural philosopher; Chathura Buddika

Money is not what motivates me. This is a passion as much as a profession and I get to dive in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
— Chathura Buddika

Free spirit

I’ve been diving from the rampart walls since I was 13. Visitors to the Fort sometimes throw coins off Flag Rock and so with friends, we would jump in and collect them! For a year I only jumped from the lowest level as a form of training. The first time I attempted to dive from the top, I jumped clumsily because I was so nervous. I’ve had small scratches but luckily, I’ve never been seriously injured. Now there are only three of us that dive: me, Asanka and Laksitha. You need to be very physically fit and have a lot of confidence. Some say it’s the shallowest freestyle dive in the world because the pools are only about 4 foot deep.

It’s all in the technique

Before every jump I say a small prayer and pay respect to my legs and feet. Then I run up to the edge of the rock and spring up on my toes, sailing out for 2 metres before shallow diving into the pools below. When the water level is at its lowest from December-March we can show off our skills even more. It’s possible to dive 365 days of the year but there are some days when it’s very rough that I do still get nervous and feel that it’s not worth the risk. Even though I lost ten members of my family in the 2004 Tsunami, I have so much respect and love for the ocean.

Diving with passion

I love the atmosphere in the Fort; it’s peaceful and safe. I also enjoy meeting people from different countries and learning a little of their languages. I have been filmed by television channels but to me, it doesn’t matter who watches, this is my profession and passion.

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