One of the longest serving clerks in the Law Court Square

- 21/7 Leyn Baan Street, Galle Fort
The Fort has a different feeling with the old buildings and history. The Court Square is a beautiful setting to work in and I believe the courts should remain in the Fort.
A long innings

I have a feeling that I’m one of the longest serving clerks in the Law Court Square. I have been working for a property lawyer for the past thirty years. My job involves typing up documents in English on a type-writer and searching for deeds at the Land Registry Office in Galle. The new records are easy to find as there is a computerised system but the older ones can be a challenge to track down. The busiest time of day is between 8-9am as I often have to prepare last-minute documents before the courts begin. I still love my job and have no plans to retire.
Lunch breaks
Halfway through the day, I enjoy taking a walk through the streets or on the ramparts to admire the views. I also drop in at the communication centre and chat a little with my friend Pushpa Akka.
A unique working place

I like how the Fort is now: it has a different feeling, everything is of a higher quality with cafes, shops and good roads. The Court Square is a beautiful setting to work in and I believe the courts should remain in the Fort.