Originally called ‘Zeeburger Straat’, this is where the seafarers used to live

- Lighthouse Street
- 24/7
The lighthouse at the end of the street burnt down in 1934. For the new lighthouse, they found a new spot, but the old name never left.
7 am
The sound of giggling and chattering girls, lots of them, fills the air. Dressed in crisp white uniforms, golden skin and plaited hair, they hurry from their tuk-tuks to be in time for school. They are proud to be schooled at Southlands, like the many generations before them were since 1814.
5 pm

An old man cycles through the narrow end of Lighthouse Street. He heads towards the ocean, where the lighthouse once stood. The street is quiet. He leaves behind the bustling part of the street, at the other side of Pedlar’s. Girls and boys swarm out of school, locals hang out at the Buddhist Association and visitors wander and wonder at the elegant colonial and Art-Deco houses, home to some exceptional family-run boutiques and B&B’s.