iDrink Kopi Es Tak Kie

Enjoy a kopi es in an oldschool coffee shop

  • Jl. Pintu Besar Selatan III Gang Gloria No.4 6
  • Opens Mon-Sat 6:30am-2pm (Closed on Sun)

Tak Kie means 'learn good things from anyone in life', a philosophy that the shop's owner, Mr Liong Tjoen, fully embraces.

The meaning of life

Tak Kie means 'learn good things from anyone in life'a philosophy that the shop's owner, Mr Liong Tjoen, fully embraces. Since his grandfather started this coffee shop in 1927, Tak Kie has been known for its quality coffee and the genuine kindness of the owners. Don't expect to see doppio macchiatos or caramel lattes on the menu; coffee at Tak Kie is the real deal. Made of the finest coffee beans in Indonesia, at Tak Kie coffee comes in only one flavour: strong!

Tak tak – extra shot

The local speciality is kopi es (ice coffee), but Tak Tak is also worth a try, with an extra shot of caffeine. A glass of coffee is IDR 22,000.


It's perfectly fine to enjoy food that you bought from one of the many stalls that line up at Gang Gloria at Tak Kie, like the famous Soto Betawi Afung (IDR 40.000-50.000).

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