iSurprise Masjid Tengkera

The Tengkera Mosque was the official state mosque until 1990. The mosque has a long history, it goes back to 1728. The mosque was established by Nakhoda Nan IntanTuankuPatis nan Sabatang (Haji Muhammad Salleh) who was a Muslim missionary from Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. He then went on to build BatuUban Mosque in 1734, the oldest mosque in Penang.

The architecture has Indonesian influences. The 3 tiered pyramid roof design is known as “potongDemak”,the tip of the pyramid roof is “Meru” design and divided by 4 “perabungsom”. After 1890 the mosque underwent several upgrades with the use of bricks and concrete, today Chinese motifs can be found in the mosque.

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