iSurprise Bestone Radio

Tucked away old-school electrical shop

Bespoke or bestone

On the ground floor of Lai Kung Mansion at Kings Road is a shop sign with cursive writing “Bestone Radio”. You may find owner Ah Tung sitting happily amidst his collection of electrical parts fixing a broken radio, looking like a modern-day Einstein. He named his shop “Bestone Radio” as it sounds similar to his Chinese name “Tung”.

It was a very international neighbourhood, you’d hear plenty of English on the street.
— Ah Tung

The old days

Ah Tung vividly remembers the 50s, when he first moved to North Point: “It was a very international neighbourhood, you’d hear plenty of English on the street.” In those days, North Point had a few dormitories for the British Army on Java Road. Hong Kong Electric Company also had their quarters here. “We also had the Lai Chi and Yun Wah hotels, with many foreign clients. It was a popular hangout spot.“

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