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Hong Kong 香港 'Rouge' (1987) 胭脂扣

‘Rouge’ is an iconic movie starring Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui, two of Hong Kong’s all-time biggest stars. The film was adapted from the eponymous novel by prolific novelist Lilian Lee and directed by Stanley Kwan. ‘Rouge’ tells the story of how the ghost of alluring courtesan Fleur (Anita Mui) has come back to Earth to find her lost lover, wealthy playboy Chan Chen-Peng (Leslie Cheung). She’s been waiting for him to join her in the afterlife since 1934, but somehow, he has never arrived... One night, Fleur walks into a newsroom to place a missing person ad in the local newspaper in a last, desperate attempt to find Chan. Journalist couple Yuen-Ting and Ah Chor get wind of the unusual story of her doomed romance and decide to help her. Will Fleur ever see Chan again? And can love last beyond death? ‘Rouge’ is primarily staged in 1930s Shek Tong Tsui and filmed there on location in 1987. In this walking route, you will retrace the steps of the star-crossed lovers and visit some of the places featured in the film. To encapsulate the feeling of days long gone, all of the photos in this walking tour are shot with an analogue camera on 35mm film. Join us for a layered, nostalgic journey to Hong Kong in the 1930s and 1980! 「胭脂扣」是一部由張國榮和梅艷芳主演的經典電影,他們都是香港電影史的巨星。這部電影改編自多產小說家李碧華的同名小說,並由關錦鵬執導。 「胭脂扣」講述了交際花「如花」(梅艷芳飾)的鬼魂回到人間,尋找失散的情人、富家花花公子陳振邦——陳十二少(張國榮飾)的故事。自 1934 年以來,如花一直在等待跟他於地府重遇,但不知何故,他從未到來…… 一天晚上,如花走進一家報館,在當地報紙上刊登失踪人口的廣告,最後一次孤注一擲地尋找陳十二少。情侶記者阿定(袁永定)和阿楚(凌楚絹)得知如花苦戀的跌宕故事,決定幫助她。如花還會再見到陳十二少嗎?愛可以超越死亡嗎? 「胭脂扣」的故事主要在 1930 年代的石塘咀上演,1987 年在此取景。在這條步行路線中,您將追溯命運多舛的戀人的足跡,並參觀電影中的一些場景。為了表達往事已逝感覺,這次徒步旅行中的所有照片都是用底片相機在 35 毫米膠片上拍攝的。 加入我們,踏上 1930 年代和 1980 年代的香港懷舊之旅!
  • 1 hour
  • 1,160 steps (1km)
  • Story Walk
  • 5 things to see and do
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This walk is

last updated on June 2020

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iDiscover Academy iDiscover Academy

This walk was curated as part of an iDiscover Summer School in 2020. 12 young Hongkongers were invited to unveil the historical layers in the old neighbourhoods of Shek Tong Tsui and Sai Ying Pun. Zooming in to street level, they took a deep dive into local culture and living heritage. 這條路線是2020年iDiscover暑期學校的一部分。12名香港年輕人受邀揭開石塘咀和西營盤老街區的歷史層次。放大到街道層面,他們深入了解了當地文化和生活遺產。
Stephanie Lam Stephanie Lam

Stephanie is passionate about film. She shot all of the photos in this article of present-day Hong Kong on 35mm film to encapsulate the movie’s nostalgic mood. 斯蒂芬妮對電影充滿熱情。她用 35 毫米膠卷拍攝了這篇文章中的所有現代香港照片,以概括電影的懷舊情緒。


This walk is

last updated on June 2020

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Created by


iDiscover Academy iDiscover Academy

This walk was curated as part of an iDiscover Summer School in 2020. 12 young Hongkongers were invited to unveil the historical layers in the old neighbourhoods of Shek Tong Tsui and Sai Ying Pun. Zooming in to street level, they took a deep dive into local culture and living heritage. 這條路線是2020年iDiscover暑期學校的一部分。12名香港年輕人受邀揭開石塘咀和西營盤老街區的歷史層次。放大到街道層面,他們深入了解了當地文化和生活遺產。
Stephanie Lam Stephanie Lam

Stephanie is passionate about film. She shot all of the photos in this article of present-day Hong Kong on 35mm film to encapsulate the movie’s nostalgic mood. 斯蒂芬妮對電影充滿熱情。她用 35 毫米膠卷拍攝了這篇文章中的所有現代香港照片,以概括電影的懷舊情緒。

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