Jaffna யாழ்ப்பாணம் Delft Island

The locals call it Neduntivu, the Portuguese called it Ilha das Vacas (the Island of cows) and the Dutch called it Delft. This remote island in the Palk Strait between Sri Lanka and India, off the coast of Jaffna is encircled by shallow waters creating a unique and unaffected ecosystem. The island is known for the remnants of a Dutch coralstone fort and its population of wild ponies left on the island by the Portuguese long ago, but for us the island is a manifestation of the force of nature. Within the island of Delft you can find rare beauties and creatures of nature. A place where life of the water and land come together. The remains of coral and aquatic plants roam the island - they merge with the trees, bushes and cactuses.
  • Day trip from Jaffna
  • Story Walk
  • 8 things to see and do
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This walk is

last updated on April 2024

Created by

Created by


Floor van Beurden
Puck van der Veen
Elizaveta Pikul
Skye van Doorn

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This walk is

last updated on April 2024

Created by

Created by


Floor van Beurden
Puck van der Veen
Elizaveta Pikul
Skye van Doorn

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Like an old-fashioned paper map? We've got you covered! Download and print this illustrated map. So you can get lost without getting lost.

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