Hong Kong 香港 Ding Ding 叮叮車

- 3 hours
- 8.6 km
- Story Walk
- 44 things to see and do
This walk is
last updated on December 2019Powered by

Designed by

HK Tramways 香港電車
Hong Kong Tramways (Tramways) has been serving Hong Kong since 1904 and operates nowadays a fleet of 165 tramcars including 2 antique party tramcars and 1 unique “TramOramic Tour” sightseeing tramcar. It is the world’s largest fleet of double-deck tramcars in operation, carrying up to 200,000 passengers every day. 香港電車有限公司(「香港電車」)自 1904 年起竭誠服務乘客。現時,香港電車擁有165 輛雙層電車(當中包括充滿懷舊氣息的兩輛古董派對電車及一輛古董觀光電車「電車全景遊」),是世界上仍在服務中的最大雙層電車車隊,每日接載可多達 20 萬人次的乘客。
www.hktramways.comTania Willis Tania Willis
Tania is an illustrator whose work has been profoundly influenced by her life in Hong Kong. Tania's illustrated world is defined by colour, pattern, warmth and humour, all drawn directly from her experiences in this vibrant city. She thinks map making is the best job on the planet... Tania 是一名插畫家和製圖師。她將偉大的想法轉化為人們可以聯繫到的引人入勝的圖像。她認為這是這個星球上最好的工作......
www.taniawillis.comDownload Map

Like an old-fashioned paper map? We've got you covered! Download and print this illustrated map. So you can get lost without getting lost.
Download MapThis walk is
last updated on December 2019Powered by

Designed by

HK Tramways 香港電車
Hong Kong Tramways (Tramways) has been serving Hong Kong since 1904 and operates nowadays a fleet of 165 tramcars including 2 antique party tramcars and 1 unique “TramOramic Tour” sightseeing tramcar. It is the world’s largest fleet of double-deck tramcars in operation, carrying up to 200,000 passengers every day. 香港電車有限公司(「香港電車」)自 1904 年起竭誠服務乘客。現時,香港電車擁有165 輛雙層電車(當中包括充滿懷舊氣息的兩輛古董派對電車及一輛古董觀光電車「電車全景遊」),是世界上仍在服務中的最大雙層電車車隊,每日接載可多達 20 萬人次的乘客。
www.hktramways.comTania Willis Tania Willis
Tania is an illustrator whose work has been profoundly influenced by her life in Hong Kong. Tania's illustrated world is defined by colour, pattern, warmth and humour, all drawn directly from her experiences in this vibrant city. She thinks map making is the best job on the planet... Tania 是一名插畫家和製圖師。她將偉大的想法轉化為人們可以聯繫到的引人入勝的圖像。她認為這是這個星球上最好的工作......
www.taniawillis.comDownload Map

Like an old-fashioned paper map? We've got you covered! Download and print this illustrated map. So you can get lost without getting lost.
Download Map