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Surabaya Kampung Eropa Kampung Eropa

Kampung Eropa is the European Quarter of the Kota Lama, the old heart of the city and a living testimony to its rich history. The many iconic heritage buildings tell the tales of century-old trading houses, fierce battles and local heroes. The route meanders away from the busy city traffic to the quieter backstreets for you to get a glimpse of daily life in some of Java’s oldest kampungs and discover the hidden secrets of the City of Heroes, Kampung Eropa adalah Kawasan Eropa di Kota Lama, jantung kota tua dan saksi hidup kekayaan sejarahnya. Banyaknya bangunan bersejarah yang ikonik menceritakan kisah rumah dagang berusia seabad, pertempuran sengit, dan pahlawan lokal. Rutenya berkelok-kelok dari lalu lintas kota yang sibuk ke jalan-jalan belakang yang lebih sepi sehingga Anda dapat melihat sekilas kehidupan sehari-hari di beberapa kampung tertua di Jawa dan menemukan rahasia tersembunyi dari House of Sampoerna yang perkasa.
  • 3 hours
  • 3,650 steps (2,5 km)
  • Story Walk
  • 24 things to see and do
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This walk is

last updated on July 2024

Created by

Map designed by


Begandring Soerabaia

A social, cultural and heritage community collective that is keen on discovering and sharing cultural and historical issues.
Surabaya Memory

Surabaya Memory is an initiative of the Petra Christian University with an impressive digital library and research centre on Surabaya's heritage

Celcea Tifani Celcea Tifani

Celcea is a young and happy designer, researcher and wanderer of the streets of Surabaya. Celcea merupakan seorang peancang muda ceria dan petualang jalanan Surabaya.


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Like an old-fashioned paper map? We've got you covered! Download and print this illustrated map. So you can get lost without getting lost.

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This walk is

last updated on July 2024

Created by

Map designed by


Begandring Soerabaia

A social, cultural and heritage community collective that is keen on discovering and sharing cultural and historical issues.
Surabaya Memory

Surabaya Memory is an initiative of the Petra Christian University with an impressive digital library and research centre on Surabaya's heritage

Celcea Tifani Celcea Tifani

Celcea is a young and happy designer, researcher and wanderer of the streets of Surabaya. Celcea merupakan seorang peancang muda ceria dan petualang jalanan Surabaya.


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Like an old-fashioned paper map? We've got you covered! Download and print this illustrated map. So you can get lost without getting lost.

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