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Ahmedabad Khadia खाडिया

The intensity of Ahmedabad’s walled city may seem a bit daunting at first, but behind the bustling market streets you find a living labyrinth of surprisingly quiet residential streets. The city is home to more than 500 of these pols, intimate housing clusters grouped around a central courtyard, a temple and a birdfeeder. It is where people of different faiths and castes live together in harmony based on the powerful mantra of ‘Mahajan’, a centuries custom of shared well-being. The city’s glorious past is forever present in the exquisite havelis with handcrafted wooden sculptures in all colours of the rainbow. अहमदाबाद की दौड्धूप आपको पहले थोड़ी सी कठिन लग सकती है, लेकिन हलचल भरे बाजारों के पीछे आपको आश्चर्यजनक रूप से शांत आवासीय सड़कों की एक जीवित भूलभुलैया दिखाई देती है। शहर इस प्रकारकी करीब 500 पोल अपने आप में समाये हुए है, एक सर्व सामान्य आंगन, एक मंदिर और एक पंछीदान के आसपास वहाँ के सभी रिहायसी एवं अंतरंग पड़ोसी इकठ्ठा होतें है। इन गलियों में आपको शहर के आंतरिक रहस्य छिपे हुए मिलते हैं। यह वह जगह है जहाँ विभिन्न धर्मों और जातियों के लोग एकता के साथ ‘महाजन’ सांझा स्वास्थ्य का एक रिवाज के शक्तिशाली मंत्र के आधार पर एक साथ रहते हैं। इस अनूठी अवधारणा की कल्पना शक्तिशाली शाह सुल्तान ने की थी, जिन्होने इस शहर की स्थापना की, और छह सदियों से वह अवधारणा ही अहमदाबाद की सफलता के मूल में रही है। आज भी हम कई अति सुंदर मंदिरों में इस शहर के गौरवशाली अतीत और इंद्रधनुष के सभी रंगों में हस्तनिर्मित लकड़ी की मूर्तियों से तराशी गई शानदार हवेलियों को देख सकते हैं।
  • 2 hours
  • 3,365 steps (3 km)
  • Story Walk
  • 40 things to see and do
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  • Old Stock Exchange
  • Cattle Feeding
  • Manek Chowk
  • Juna Sherbajarvada
  • Chandla Ol Market
  • Chandravillas
  • Fernandez Bridge
  • Fatasa ni Pol
  • Doshivada ni Pol
  • Ashtapad Derasar
  • Tankshal Market
  • Rajamehta ni Pol
  • Shree Himmatlal Kharkhardiya
  • Old Hanuman Temple
  • Sai Baba Temple
  • Moto Suthervado
  • Vanita Vishram
  • Hatkeshwar Temple
  • Jetha Bhai Ni Pol
  • Desai ni Pol
  • Nagarvado, Sarangpur
  • Lakha Patel ni Pol
  • Suradas Seth ni Pol
  • Ayurvedic Hospital
  • Sankadi Sheri
  • Panachand Halvawala
  • Mahurat Ni Pol
  • Kansara Bazaar
  • Ghanchi ni Pol
  • Devji Saraiya ni Pol
  • Haveli ni Pol
  • Digambar Jain Temple
  • Madan Gopal ni Haveli
  • Kankatori Gali
  • Shree Ram Khaman
  • Raipur Bhajiya House
  • Astodia Darwaza
  • Rani Sipri Mosque
  • Dhal ni Pol
  • Bala Hanuman Temple

This walk is

last updated on March 2020

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International Center for Innovative Developments

ICID is an independent organisation that specialises in documenting and promoting living heritage in India’s heritage cities to preserve their unique identity in a time of rapid urbanisation.
Prince Claus Fund Prince Claus Fund

The Prince Claus Fund from the Netherlands creates opportunities worldwide for cultural development, connection and expression. Its joint initiative ‘Contemporary Take, Beyond Cultural Heritage’ with the British Council supports a dozen innovative projects in six South Asian countries that have the potential to create dialogue between communities and foster mutual understanding. The Prince Claus Fund from the Netherlands creates opportunities worldwide for cultural development, connection and expression. Its joint initiative ‘Contemporary Take, Beyond Cultural Heritage’ with the British Council supports a dozen innovative projects in six South Asian countries that have the potential to create dialogue between communities and foster mutual understanding.
Maitri Dalicha Maitri Dalicha

Maitri is an Illustrator and Ink Artist from Ahmedabad, India. She loves to make and create. It was what her childhood was made up so she decided her adulthood to be the same. Her drive is the immense pleasure of creating something out of absolutely nothing. Maitri is an Illustrator and Ink Artist from Ahmedabad, India. She loves to make and create. It was what her childhood was made up so she decided her adulthood to be the same. Her drive is the immense pleasure of creating something out of absolutely nothing.

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This walk is

last updated on March 2020

Created by

Powered by

Designed by


International Center for Innovative Developments

ICID is an independent organisation that specialises in documenting and promoting living heritage in India’s heritage cities to preserve their unique identity in a time of rapid urbanisation.
Prince Claus Fund Prince Claus Fund

The Prince Claus Fund from the Netherlands creates opportunities worldwide for cultural development, connection and expression. Its joint initiative ‘Contemporary Take, Beyond Cultural Heritage’ with the British Council supports a dozen innovative projects in six South Asian countries that have the potential to create dialogue between communities and foster mutual understanding. The Prince Claus Fund from the Netherlands creates opportunities worldwide for cultural development, connection and expression. Its joint initiative ‘Contemporary Take, Beyond Cultural Heritage’ with the British Council supports a dozen innovative projects in six South Asian countries that have the potential to create dialogue between communities and foster mutual understanding.
Maitri Dalicha Maitri Dalicha

Maitri is an Illustrator and Ink Artist from Ahmedabad, India. She loves to make and create. It was what her childhood was made up so she decided her adulthood to be the same. Her drive is the immense pleasure of creating something out of absolutely nothing. Maitri is an Illustrator and Ink Artist from Ahmedabad, India. She loves to make and create. It was what her childhood was made up so she decided her adulthood to be the same. Her drive is the immense pleasure of creating something out of absolutely nothing.

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Like an old-fashioned paper map? We've got you covered! Download and print this illustrated map. So you can get lost without getting lost.

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